


油管有个08年的视频[链接],应该是《Righteous Kill/火线特攻/正义杀戮》宣传期的电视采访,其中问到他们认识多久了,两人都回答是60年代认识的

然后问到第一次知道对方的名字/见面是何时,老帕回答说第一次见到老罗是在曼哈顿14街B和C段之间(14th Street, between Avenue B and C),他和当时的女朋友Jill Clayburgh(戛纳影后)住在那里,Jill和老罗合作过电影,跟他说老罗演技很好,于是他就去看了老罗的作品,后来在14街看到老罗就上去打招呼了

老罗回答说他知道老帕是他那部百老汇舞台剧《Does a Tiger Wear a Necktie?/老虎系领带吗?》,然后也是差不多那时见的面,同行还有Jill Clayburgh,当年19岁的他和Jill主演了德帕尔玛的处女作《The Wedding Party/结婚派对》


同样的问题其实在95年《Heat/盗火线》上映的时候就问过了,当时老帕的回答没变还是14街,不过略掉了Jill,还提到他们曾经想合作《The Pope of Greenwich Village/格林威治村的教皇/大街小瘪三》,老罗点头附和,可惜没有视频,只有当年的报道可以考古,其他几篇大同小异就懒得贴了

When asked about his early friendship with De Niro around the late 1960s and early 1970s, Pacino quips tongue-in-cheek, "We met each other once on 14th street. (pause) Between B and C."

Then, in his gravelly voice, Al begins to ramble, branching off to address previously asked questions.

"We said hello. 'Cause I had seen Robert in the movie 'The Wedding Party' that Brian De Palma made. And I was very impressed with him. So I remembered him from that movie and I saw him on the street. I think 'The Gang that Couldn't Shoot Straight' was also a movie that we were both being considered for which Robert did. 'The Pope of Greenwich Village,' we were gonna do that together at one point. And Bobby was going to direct that."

De Niro chimes in, "Yeah, yeah."

Pacino continues, "And we've known each other for a long time."



老帕59年从布朗克斯搬到格林威治,同年进入HB Studio (Herbert Berghof Studio)学习表演,结识一生的良师益友Charlie Laughton,62年开始演外外百老汇(Off-Off-Broadway)戏剧,66年进入The Actors Studio/演员工作室,开始接外百老汇戏剧(Off-Broadway),68年凭《The Indian Wants the Bronx/印第安人想要布朗克斯》拿到Obie/奥比奖,随后进入百老汇,69年拿到Tony/托尼奖

老罗则是出生在格林威治,60年辍学进入Stella Adler Studio of Acting学习三年,但在跟Adler学表演之前他也进过HB Studio,60年代中期在Shelly Winters(两届奥斯卡最佳女配)的引介下进入The Actors Studio旁听,他俩也许在HB Studio没见过面,但在演员工作室没碰过面的可能性则很低

事实上早年跟他俩都很熟的Sally Kirkland就说他俩经常碰面,但不排除她夸大其实了

Actually, it seems improbable that Pacino and De Niro were not acquainted some time before 1969, when The Wedding Party screened. Actress Sally Kirkland has known Pacino since 1964 and dated De Niro on and off during the late sixties and early seventies – she remembers that the pair were frequently in the same class at the Actor’s Studio. “Bobby was not a member,” says Kirkland, speaking exclusively to Empire, “but I brought him by the hand to meet Shelley Winters, who got him a working observership at the studio. Al and Bobby were in the same room a lot. They became friends, and there was a healthy kind of competition between them – if one of them got high marks, the other would work all the harder to be great in their next project. Al would watch Bobby and Bobby would watch Al.”

而且他俩的朋友圈也有重合,除了上面提到的Jill Clayburgh和Sally Kirkland,还有一个在60年代据说跟他俩都谈过的Susan Tyrrell(她和Sally Kirkland是室友,后来两人都提名过奥斯卡),以及在演员工作室授过课的Shelly Winters,经常给他们做感恩节晚餐

Shelly Winters是Sally Kirkland在第八大道的Jimmy Ray's Bar介绍给老罗的,特意提到这个酒吧是因为如果他俩没在演员工作室见过面,那很可能在这个酒吧见过,因为百老汇大部分酒吧在凌晨2点就打烊了,而这个酒吧则营业到4点,所以很多年轻演员在演出结束后都会去那里,而老帕则是那里的常客

还有一个他们很可能见过面的地点是Bear Garden,一个通宵营业的餐馆,老罗是那里的常客,而老帕的女朋友Jill Clayburgh在那里当过服务员



The Method Men

Untouchable: A Biography of Robert De Niro

De Niro: A Biography

Al Pacino: A Life on the Wire

Al Pacino: In Conversation with Lawrence Grobel

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